Community Service

  To better help you organize and write this paper in order to earn full credit for the assignment, the reaction paper must include the following topic and information. 

I. Introduction

I worked for Mr. Rossie and the school library. For Mr. Rossi, I helped with the play and cleaned up after and I also helped get ready for the next play. For the library I just cleaned up.

II.    Profile of the organization(s) you worked for. Who are they? What do they do to serve the community? When do they provide their services? Where do they provide their services? Why is there a need for their services?

 Mr. Rossie is the music teacher in Fowler High School and the library is a place for students to learn and study. Both Mr. Rossi and the library are open for the whole school day. They are both in Fowler High School. They are needed to complete the school atmosphere and to help students learn.

III. The mission statement of the organization. (If you worked for a structured organization not an individual) (hint: look up the mission statement on the organization's website

The fowler mission statement: Fowler High School recognizes that each student is an individual; that all students are creative; that all students need to succeed. Therefore, Fowler High School respects the individual needs of students; fosters a caring and creative environment; and emphasizes the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each student.

III.  Description of the specific tasks you performed for he organization or individual

For Mr. Rossi, I helped with the play and cleaned up after and I also helped get ready for the next play. For the library I just cleaned up the shelves, computers and floors.

 IV.  Discuss any memorable personal experience; positive or negative, you had during your service that you feel were important. How these tasks impacted the mission of the organization or the well-being of the individual?

A memorable experience would be cleaning the stage with my friends for the next play.
The impact it had was that I got to hang out a bit longer with friends while getting ready for the next play.

VI.  Conclusion:  Your personal reactions to the act of performing community service    Positive and/or negative reactions Do you feel you made a difference? Why or why not. What impact do you believe community service has on our society? Would you recommend your community service opportunity(ies) to other students Why or why not?

I didn't really have a reaction to doing community service. I feel like I did make a difference because people cant learn in a dirty library. Community service, if it were to be done more often, would make the society cleaner and most likely more connected as people. I would recommend my services to other people because the library needs people to help clean.

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